Date: 05 Apr 2006 04:51:04
Subject: Chess Help
Hello. I know someone who always defends with 1.....e6, 2.....a6,

What would you open? 1. e4......, 2.d4....., 3.c4......,

Date: 05 Apr 2006 06:57:19
Subject: Re: Chess Help
That's good, follow up with Nc3, Nf3 (or even f3 and later Ne2) Bd3,
Be3, Q to e2,d2,or c2 or b3 later, Castling can be delayed until you
see where it's safest (or if f3 and Black hasn't opened anything, just
play Kf2 then develop the King's Rook.

The trick is to know when and how to use your spatial advantage to make
the break; it may be a pawn push or exchange or even a sacrifice.

Date: 06 Apr 2006 00:31:16
Subject: Re: Chess Help
Thank you for the advice.