Date: 10 Oct 2006 00:07:29
From: Sanny
Subject: At last I won a game with Beginner Level.
I was able to beat the Beginner Level after 10 defeats.

Game Played at:

It was my luck that initially the computer made a blunder and I got a
Knight up. And taking advantage of Knight.

Here is the Recorded Game

Here are the Moves

(White:Myself, Black: Beginner Level)

1. e4 e5
2. d4 exd4
3. Qxd4 N-c6
4. Q-a4 B-c5
5. N-c3 N-f6
6. a3 N-g4
7. f3 Q-h4 ( Q-h4 is Wrong move as Knight Gets Trapped)
8. g3 B-f2
9. K-e2 Bxg3
10. fxg4 Qxg4
11. N-f3 B-e1
12. Kxe1 Qxf3

And I was a Major Piece up for 2 Pawns and won the game easily.

It was after 10 defeats from beginner level that I was able to beat the
Beginner Level.

Earlier my Rating was 1060 but after the game improved my rating went
down to 995 So now my Ranking is not displayed in Top Players List.


Play Chess at:

Date: 11 Oct 2006 01:07:26
From: help bot
Subject: Re: If 34. B-g7 Rook were played to g8 I would be Pawn up.

Sanny wrote:
> > Also note that after your move 34.B-g7, the program did
> > not even bother to move the attacked Rook -- a bit odd
> > unless Beginner level fails to "see": (pass), BxR RxB,
> > (end combination) rats -- I hung the exchange!
> If 34. B-g7 Rook were played to g8,
> I would have taken the Knight with Bishop
> After Pawn taking my Bishop My Rook would have taken the Pawn at f7.
> Along with a Mate Threath. So It was of no use Moving Rook to g8 after
> 34. B-g7.

The Black Queen guards against any "mate threat",
except in lines where it is driven away by N-d5 -- a
move you never played (until move 40), despite many
opportunities. As far as can be seen, the program
does not look so far ahead as to calculate driving the
defender away, and then executing a mate -- all after
trading pieces and capturing a pawn, in preference to
simply hanging the exchange (R for B). You are
right in that you would win a pawn, but that's one
point while hanging the exchange is two points -- twice
the loss.

The ideal time for the program to activate its "extra"
Rook would of course have been at its very FIRST
opportunity, which is to say, *immediately* after
castling Queenside. Notice how the Black Bishop
on e6 attacks the White King's escape from the back
rank, the a2 square, while the White Queen is
helpless to effectively defend her mate. You later
created an alternate escape square on b2 to
address this very problem.

In my opinion, a killer computer program like say,
Fritz9, would certainly have won despite the
disaster in the opening which cost your program
a piece for some pawns. All I am saying is that
you did not win merely due to a blunder in the
opening phase, but there were many opportunities
afterward which the program also squandered.

But let's back up a bit. In the opening, you at
one point (after some reasonable moves) played
6.a3. Why? The opening is where you are
supposed to develop your pieces, not mess
around with such moves as this. Look at Black's
moves 4, 5, and 6: one piece is developed after
the other (before the 7. ...N-g4 error), in rapid
sucession. The opening is a race, and there is
no time for dilly dallying!

After the misguided "attack" ...Ng4, you chased
the silly steed with f3, and this allows the incursion
...N-f2 (snagging your Rook). Instead, the program
tossed in a Queen check which backfired. [The
correct defense was N-h3, guarding f2 and yes, in a
sense, developing another piece, even if it is not to
the ideal square (f3).]

For examples of perfect play in all phases of the
game, see my games. ; >D


Date: 10 Oct 2006 23:55:15
From: Sanny
Subject: If 34. B-g7 Rook were played to g8 I would be Pawn up.

> Also note that after your move 34.B-g7, the program did
> not even bother to move the attacked Rook -- a bit odd
> unless Beginner level fails to "see": (pass), BxR RxB,
> (end combination) rats -- I hung the exchange!

If 34. B-g7 Rook were played to g8,

I would have taken the Knight with Bishop

After Pawn taking my Bishop My Rook would have taken the Pawn at f7.
Along with a Mate Threath. So It was of no use Moving Rook to g8 after
34. B-g7.

May be I am wrong as my calculations are not so good.

Game Played at:

It was my luck that initially the computer made a blunder and I got a
Knight up. And taking advantage of Knight.

Here is the Recorded Game


Date: 10 Oct 2006 23:30:43
From: help bot
Subject: Re: At last I won a game with Beginner Level.

Sanny wrote:

> I was able to beat the Beginner Level after 10 defeats.
> Game Played at:
> It was my luck that initially the computer made a blunder and I got a
> Knight up. And taking advantage of Knight.
> Here is the Recorded Game
> Here are the Moves
> (White:Myself, Black: Beginner Level)
> 1. e4 e5
> 2. d4 exd4
> 3. Qxd4 N-c6
> 4. Q-a4 B-c5
> 5. N-c3 N-f6
> 6. a3 N-g4
> 7. f3 Q-h4 ( Q-h4 is Wrong move as Knight Gets Trapped)
> 8. g3 B-f2
> 9. K-e2 Bxg3
> 10. fxg4 Qxg4
> 11. N-f3 B-e1
> 12. Kxe1 Qxf3
> And I was a Major Piece up for 2 Pawns and won the game easily.

Sanny, while the Beginner level may have made this
"feel" easy, you were actually in some trouble later on
in this game, due to your Queen's Rook being stuck in
the corner for a long while. Nevertheless, you had an
easily won game after the blunder 7. ...Qh4+.

One thing I have noticed is that often the program
slows way down when it gets into a bad position, even
on the easy levels. Strange that in this game the program
puts up little fight at all. One thing it might have done is
activate its "extra" Rook on the g-file, after allowing a trade
of your active Rook. As your King walked slowly across
the back rank, a check (i.e.: ...R-g1+) could have been
Also note that after your move 34.B-g7, the program did
not even bother to move the attacked Rook -- a bit odd
unless Beginner level fails to "see": (pass), BxR RxB,
(end combination) rats -- I hung the exchange!

> It was after 10 defeats from beginner level that I was able to beat the
> Beginner Level.

This opening reminds me of how the program *used to*
play, months ago. Recently, I have noticed what appears
to be a significant increase in search depth.

-- help bot